习语系列第170期:《爱丽丝漫游仙境》中兔子洞“rabbit hole”的活学活用

作者:Emily   发布时间:2019-12-27

爱丽丝漫游仙境》中兔子洞“rabbit hole”的活学活用

fall down

英文释义:to fall to the ground:
例文:4 Things to do When You Fall Down the Rabbit Hole of Despair.
1- Jump up an down. I’m not sure that this actually does anything, but it just makes me feel a little bit better.
2- Drink a lot of water. If you ugly cry a lot when you’re in a pit of despair, you’ll need to stay hydrated. Wine doesn’t count. I mean it could but I don’t think any doctors would recommend that at all so stick to water.
3- Take a nap from time to time. When you ugly cry for hours you’ll start to feel fatigued so try taking naps. You’ll have the energy to keep sobbing when you wake up.
4- Roll around on the floor. This also doesn’t really do anything except it makes me feel better. Give it a try.

(例句来自 Medium@Angely Mercado 版权归属原作者)

1、fall down the rabbit hole of…来自 Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland《爱丽丝漫游仙境》,爱丽丝掉入兔子洞后,开启了奇幻旅行。所以兔子洞的另一端可能连接的是惊喜也可能是麻烦,文中表达的是陷入丧失信心的兔子洞。我们掌握了这种表达方式后,可以把 despair 替换成各种词,比如 anxiety。

2、Jump up and down 跳上跳下,作者在此处出现了一个拼写错误。

3、ugly cry 是一个俚语,表示哭的面部扭曲,它通常搭配动词短语 break into。break into 搭配和哭有关的单词很好使,比如 break into tears 表示开始流眼泪。

4、a pit of despair 绝望的深渊,显然作者为了避免重复,用Pit深坑代替了rabbit hole。当年钱钟书曾用pit这个词翻译过“吃一堑长一智”,A fall into the pit,a gain in your wit.

5、roll around on the floor 满地打滚。

fall flat

英文释义:Fail, prove to be ineffective
例文:Everyone makes mistakes and fails at certain points in life; that’s simply unavoidable.
It’s the steps you take after you fall flat on your face that matter, and they’ll make all the difference between your future successes or failures.

(例句来自Medium@Steve Spring版权归属原作者)

1、fall flat on your face 丢脸受挫,我们可以想象一个场景,某人脸朝下跌倒,是不是一些想想都会令人尴尬的事情,所以我们可以通过联想,把这个短语记得更牢。

2、看到 flat 我就不自觉的会联想到一种咖啡,flat white 是在两份浓缩咖啡的基础上加上细奶泡。它和拿铁相比,奶泡的厚度要薄一半。

fall for

英文释义:become attracted to
例文:If You Don’t Stand for Something, You’ll Fall for Anything

(例句来自Medium@Catherine Manthorp版权归属原作者)

1、fall for 有两个意思,第一个是被…所吸引,引申为爱慕,我们可以用它来替代fall in love with。它的第二个意思是信以为真,上当受骗,比如:He fall for Ponzi scheme。

2、例文中的这一句话可讲的知识点很多,它实际上是另一句话的变形,这句话是出自美国开国元勋、《自由宣言》起草人之一的亚历山大·汉密尔顿,原文:Those who stand for nothing fall for anything.后来被人们改写为If you stand for nothing you will fall for nothing,马丁路德金也说过类似的话:A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything.你看到这句话的那么多变形,一定头很大,这里边nothing,anything 到底指的是什么?

我们来解析下:stand for nothing = don’t stand for somthing 表示的是缺少一种信仰或价值观,这种信仰和价值观可以指导你做出人生的决策。fall for anything 表示缺少自律,分析问题是过于主观,或者容易被许多事情吸引而导致一事无成。

