fall behind
英文释义:lag, fail to keep up
例文:How to Leverage Your Productivity System When You Fall Behind Whether coming back from vacation or an overloaded workload you can leverage these two systems to get caught up.
(例句来自Medium@Jack Heimbigner版权归属原作者)
1、leverage v.发挥杠杆作用,所以我们有时也把它翻译为利用,或者我们在前边加一个better 是善用的意思。n.杠杆作用,比如我们经常说的杠杆率,leverage ratio。
2、overloaded workload 超负荷的工作量
3、在最后一句上,我认为作者可能原意是 catch up 追上,追赶。而不是 get caught up。get caught up 是迷恋,陷入,被困的意思,比如 get caught up in a traffic jam 被困在堵车大军里了。我认为这并不符合作者本来的意思,所以在我看来,这可能是一个笔误。
fall between the cracks
英文释义:be neglected.
例文:No matter how much or how little I do, something always falls between the cracks. The people around me may not always notice it; I subconsciously make sure my friend- and family- facing ‘tasks’ are always given the most attention.
(例句来自Medium@Emily Benjamin版权归属原作者)
1、我们看第一句话,表示无论我做多做少。“无论你是贫穷还是富有”这句话是否也能套用这样的表达形式呢?答案是可以的,我们只需要把do换成have,变为 no matter how much or how little you have.
2、cracks n.裂缝。所以你根据字面意思,即东西掉入裂缝中,也能知道它是指被忽略。不知道你们听没听过一句古谚语,“Don’t step on a crack. You’ll break your mother’s back!” 说的是不要踩裂缝上,否则你的妈妈会背疼。显然这一种迷信的说法,看来西方也吃这一套。我之前做过一期视频,分析 Ellen 2009年在杜兰大学毕业典礼上的致辞。她在开头引用过这句话,引起了全场哄然大笑,如果你感兴趣,找来看看,对你了解欧美文化很有帮助。
fall by the wayside
英文释义:Fail to continue
例文:It’s often the simple things that fall by the wayside when struggling with mental wellbeing. This in turn works to keep the problem going. We can be prone to thinking we need some complex, big intervention to get back on track whilst underestimating the importance of maintaining the simple things in our daily lives that support our wellbeing.
1、wayside n.路边,还没到达终点就停下来了,形容半途而废。
2、mental wellbeing 心理健康,当我们与心理健康作斗争的时候总是习惯性的半途而废,这样做反过来让问题进一步恶化。In turn 反过来。
3、be prone to doing sth 倾向于,最近我看了一本讲群体心理的书,其中讲到群体中的个体更倾向于不掌握全面信息而急于下结论,be prone to making decisions without knowing all the facts.
4、get back on track 是个固定短语,表示重新回到正轨,重振旗鼓。